We supported Nike to create a highly digitalized basketball court in its flagship store, where users could complete challenges and view their performance. The challenge was to strike balance between a highly professional, authentic experience and the intuitiveness and accessibility to users.
游戏开场,挑战者有一次成功命中,才能激活游戏,点燃球场。通过整合来自地面 LED 交互屏和安装在球框上传感器的实时交互数据,我们凭借实时、精确的视觉反馈,为体验者打造了一个更为直观的训练体验。
By integrating interactive data from floor LEDs and sensors on the hoop, we provided users a real-time and precise visual feedback, in order to create an intuitive experience both for general public and real players. The game only started by a successful shooting.
受到 LeBron James 标志性动作启发,我们在竞赛模式下设置了三个挑战。在设计过程中,我们咨询了专业的篮球教练,并采用前沿的动作捕捉技术,邀请职业运动员获取其数字化动作模型,为设计提供支持。在交互界面和体验流程上,也经过多轮测试和调整,不断优化。
We took inspiration from LeBron James and created 3 challenges for users, consulted basketball coaches and employed cutting-edge movement capture technology in design process. A professional player was invited to record all of movements to support design. The interface and user journey were optimized with rounds of testing and adjustment.
作为体验的一部分,每个用户都能收到一段视频作为 UGC,其中包括两个视角,一个由悬置于篮球框附近的镜头捕捉,另一个由地面的镜头仰拍捕捉慢动作。只需扫描二维码,用户就可以下载自己的视频,在线分享战绩。
As a part of the trail experience, every user could receive a video as UGC which includes a footage by a camera on the top of hoop and a slow-motion footage by another camera on the floor. By simply scanning a QR code, users can download their videos instantly and share his/her hero moment online.