安装在 Hyundai Motorstudio 入口大厅上空的玻璃空气处理系统为全北京最洁净的空气而设计。四道过滤器运用活性炭,超细玻璃纤维甚至是活体植物,可去除空气中 99% 以上的污染物。
The glass air handling unit overhead is designed to produce the cleanest air in Beijing, Using activated carbon, ultra-fine glass fibres, and living plants, the four-stage filter removes more than 99% of all pollution.
Studio NOWHERE 为该空气净化系统开发了实时空气质量数据视觉可视化程序。通过顶部的 LED 屏幕,艺术化地展示了包含 PM2.5, PM10, TOVC, NO₂ and O₃ 在内的实时室内外空气数据。展示形式有单独空气数据,月数据,年历史数据,以及绿植生长动画的艺术化呈现。
By collecting data of air conditions including PM2.5, PM10, TOVC, NO₂ and O₃ from each filter, Studio NOWHERE created an animated data visualisation that could represent the air purification progress on the realtime. The overhead LED screens demonstrate the data through different aspects, including specific pollution sources , monthly review, yearly review and artistic green animations.